Kidnapper's Bag Eversol's Innebriator Rope of climbing Gloves of the Pugelist Book of the Past Bag of holding type II Tome of understanding +2 Horn of goodness/evil Totem of Hiding Ring of the Merciful Blow Gems of Darkness Ioun stone, vibrant purple prism Carpet of flying, 6 ft. by 9 ft. Breast plate of the champion Throwing Stone Amulet of health +6 Pearl of power, 7th-level spell Dior Droid Bottle of air Hive Dart Sword of Kings Stone of controlling earth elementals Phylactery of faithfulness Gloves of Wizardry Crown Crystal ball Full Helm Hero Musk Mantle of Fiery Dissolving Snuff of Poison Detection Bracers of Repellence Cane of Evocation Scimitar Ring of Fiery Assistance Statuette of Nightveil Cloak of the Undead Short Bow Sack of Plunder Self-Loading Bow Potion of the Hero's Heart Link Tabbard Eyes of doom