import java.util.Scanner; public class Game { // Globals public static final int MAX_LOCALES = 2; // Total number of rooms/locations we have in the game. public static int currentLocale = 0; // Player starts in locale 0. public static String command; // What the player types as he or she plays the game. public static boolean stillPlaying = true; // Controls the game loop. public static String[] locations; // An uninitialized array of type String. See init() for initialization. public static int[][] nav; // An uninitialized array of type int int. public static void main(String[] args) { // Display the command line args. System.out.println("Starting with args:"); for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + ":" + args[i]); } // Set starting locale, if it was provided as a command line parameter. if (args.length > 0) { int startLocation = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); // TODO We need to catch a possible exception here. // Check that the passed-in value for startLocation is within the range of actual locations. if ( startLocation >= 0 && startLocation <= MAX_LOCALES) { currentLocale = startLocation; } } // Get the game started. init(); updateDisplay(); // Game Loop while (stillPlaying) { getCommand(); navigate(); updateDisplay(); } // We're done. Thank the player and exit. System.out.println("Thank you for playing."); } private static void init() { // Initialize any uninitialized globals. command = new String(); stillPlaying = true; // TODO: Do we need this? // Set up the location list. locations = new String[3]; locations[2] = "TARDIS"; // ^ locations[0] = "The Lab"; // N locations[1] = "Dungeon"; // | System.out.println("START Testing------------------"); // TODO Set the descriptions for each locale. Locale loc0 = new Locale(0); loc0.setName("The Lab"); System.out.println(loc0.getId() + ": " + loc0.getName()); Locale loc1 = new Locale(1); loc1.setName("Dungeon"); System.out.println(loc1.getId() + ": " + loc1.getName()); Locale loc2 = new Locale(2); loc2.setName("TARDIS"); System.out.println(loc2.getId() + ": " + loc2.getName()); System.out.println("END Testing------------------"); System.out.println("All game locations:"); for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; ++i) { System.out.println(i + ":" + locations[i]); } // Set up the navigation matrix. nav = new int[][] { /* N S E W */ /* 0 1 2 3 */ /* nav[0] for loc 0 */ { 2, 1, -1, -1 }, /* nav[1] for loc 1 */ { 0, -1, -1, -1 }, /* nav[2] for loc 2 */ { -1, 0, -1, -1 } }; } private static void updateDisplay() { System.out.println(locations[currentLocale]); // TODO Use the instances of the Locale class here. // TODO Display the locale descriptions. } private static void getCommand() { Scanner inputReader = new Scanner(; command = inputReader.nextLine(); // command is global. } private static void navigate() { final int INVALID = -1; int dir = INVALID; // This will get set to a value > 0 if a direction command was entered. if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("north") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("n") ) { dir = 0; } else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("south") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("s") ) { dir = 1; } else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("east") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("e") ) { dir = 2; } else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("west") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("w") ) { dir = 3; } else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("quit") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("q")) { quit(); } else if ( command.equalsIgnoreCase("help") || command.equalsIgnoreCase("h")) { help(); }; if (dir > -1) { // This means a dir was set. int newLocation = nav[currentLocale][dir]; if (newLocation == INVALID) { System.out.println("You cannot go that way."); } else { currentLocale = newLocation; } } } private static void help() { System.out.println("The commands are as follows:"); System.out.println(" n/north"); System.out.println(" s/south"); System.out.println(" q/quit"); } private static void quit() { stillPlaying = false; } }