ITS Concepts
Spring 2011
- Schedule - Updated May 5, 2011
- Syllabus and Policies - Updated January 9, 2011
- Academic Honesty
- Introduction to Browsers and the Web
- Introduction to HTML
- W3C HTML Validator
- W3 Schools Tutorials and References
- Other Web Programming Tutorials
- The Web Developer's Handbook
- Professional Webmasters Stack Exchange
- Web Development Add-ins for Firefox
- Six Revisions - Great web development tips
- HTML5 Browser Readiness (in HTML5)
- Lastest HTML5 specification
- YUI Theater: Introduction to HTML5
- Doctype - Web Design Q&A
- Stylegala: Web Design & Standards
- Particletree: Sharpening Web Skills
- Examples of Bad Web Design
- Reserved Top Level DNS Names
- DNS, root sites, and servers
- Prototype and Objects diagram from class - (Thanks David.)
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Commercial reproduction of any course material, including lecture notes
taken by students, without my EXPRESS WRITTEN consent, is prohibited.