Database Systems
Spring 2025

- Syllabus and Schedule - revised January 25, 2025
- History and Advice
- About Laptops and Phones in Class
- Course Policies
- General Academic Calendar
- Academic Honesty
- School of Computer Science and Mathematics Department of Computing Technology Goals
- Writing Center
- Counseling Services
- Title IX at Marist
- Title IX Student Bill of Rights and IX Reporting Options
- Academic Learning Center for tutoring and more
- Database Systems: The Complete Book, second edition
- Architecture of a Database System (2007) by Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker, and James Hamilton
- Database: Principles, Programming, and Performance by Patrick O'Neil and Elizabeth O'Neil
- The Internals of PostgreSQL
- 50 Years of Queries (2024) by Donald Chamberlin - CACM August 2024
- Readings In Database Systems - 5th edition (2015) edited by Peter Bailis, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and Michael Stonebraker
- Readings in Databases from Reynold Xin
- Class Readings from Jeong-Hyon Hwang's Database Class at U. Albany.
- A Brief History of Database Systems from the Very Early Days to Big Data Today (2016) - by the great Robert X. Cringley
- Setting up PostgreSQL
- Loading our CAP database
- Getting started with SQL queries
- SQL Queries: the subqueries Sequel
- SQL Queries: the joins Three-quel
- Interesting and Painful SQL Queries
- Normalization One
- Normalization Two
- Normalization Three
- Stored Procedures - Here is the courses and prerequisites script.
Past Project Hall of Fame
- The CAP database we'll use in class
- CAP database snapshot
- CAP SQL scripts
- Database Software
- PostgreSQL - The World's Best Free Database - Here's pgAdmin by itself (and its documentation).
- DB2 Community Edition (free)
- MySQL (free, but not worth the price)
- SQL Server Express 2022
- Git
- GitHub Desktop
- A Gentle Introduction to Git and GitHub from Alan
- Git from the Bottom up by John Wiegley
- Git Basics
- Try Github
- GitHub Guides
- Advanced: Git From the Inside Out
- Visualizing Git Concepts
- How to Write a Git Commit Message - pretty good advice
- The Issues Feature on GitHub
- Dangers of GitHub and Amazon
- History and Types of Databases
- The Relational Model
- Entity-Relationship Modeling and Referential Integrity
- Indexes and Index Structures
- Locking, Transactions, and the WAL
SELECT course material
FROM this class
ORDER BY class
- Class 0
- Origins of the Data Base Management System - 2006 SIGMOD paper
- Relational Database Genealogy from
- Remembering Codd I: So Help Me Codd
- Remembering Codd II: A Tribute by Chris Date
- Databases - Early History by Robert X. Cringley
- Databases - Recent History by Robert X. Cringley
- Databases - Big Data by Robert X. Cringley
- History: The Gamma Database Machine
- History: IBM Relational Database Code Bases
- Distinguished Profiles in Databases presents Michael Stonebraker
- A one size fits all database doesn't fit anyone
- WIRED: Data Deluge
- Class 1
- A Brief History of SQL
- Relational Database Genealogy from
- An excellent case for artificial keys
- Our CAP database snapshot
- Our CAP database SQL scripts
- Can we do better than SQL? I'm not yet convinced.
- 50 Years of SQL My Codd! An interview with Donald Chamberlin and Michael Stonebraker
- Class 2
- E/R Diagram Example #1 - I like this format a lot.
- E/R Diagram Example #2 - I like this format a little.
- E/R Diagram Example #3 - This is a popular format I do not like at all.
- Referential Integrity: With and Without
- Students, Teachers, Subjects, Grades example
- Count Distinct with Subqueries
- Class 3
- A (very) Brief History of SQL
- Truth Tables for Three-valued Logic
- Alan's Stack Overflow discussion on NULLs and UNIQUE from 2011, and a brand new feature in PostgreSQL 15 from 2022 (See the "indexes" subsection.)
- What's the deal with NULLs? It's worth looking at again.
- NULLs examples
- Nulls, Three-Valued Logic, and Ambiguity in SQL: Critiquing Date’s Critique by Claude Rubinson
- Create Table example in Oracle
- SQL Server Check Constraints
- SQL Server Check Constraints Case Sensitivity or lack thereof
- Class 4
- People, Departments, Fiscal Years example
- Venn Diagrams DO NOT explain Joins So just STOP IT!
- Join Forms from PostgreSQL Internals 2012 by Bruce Momjian
- Understanding Hash Joins in Ms-SQL Server
- Set Operations in SQL
- Students, Teachers, Subjects, Grades example
- Oracle Database Examples - a variety of examples demonstrating how to use Oracle
- Class 5
- PostgreSQL System Catalogs
- PostgreSQL Observability - statistics and data about internal states
- A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources
- View examples in CAP2 (an old version of the CAP database)
- View examples in Oracle
- View examples in Ms-SQL Server
- View Query Processing - query rewriting from Tom Lane's PostgreSQL Internals
- G* Introduction
- G* Technical Overview
- G* Studio
- Class 6 -- Mid-term Exam
- Class 7
- PostgreSQL B-tree Index Scan from PostgreSQL Internals 2012
- PostgreSQL Index Page Structure from PostgreSQL Internals 2012
- Why databases use ordered indexes but programming uses hash tables
- Modern B-Tree Techniques
- PostgreSQL B-tree Indexes
- Class 8 -- Spring Break
- Class 9
- Database Design Points to Ponder
- A 3NF Database with Transitive Dependencies or, How I learned to stop denormalizing and love BCNF
- Class A
- Decomposition to 3NF from my old HRPC project
- Lossless Join Example
- Class B
- Access Control with GRANT and REVOKE
- PostgreSQL documentation for GRANT
- PostgreSQL Security from IBM developerWorks
- Securing PostgreSQL from External Attack - by Bruce Momjian
- SQL Injection Security Threats from the Open Web Application Security Project
- More about SQL Injection from Troy Hunt
- Class C
- CAP2 city customers example - customers in a city (T-SQL)
- CAP2 city customers code - customers in a city (T-SQL)
- CAP2 city customers code - customers in a city (PL/pgSQL)
- Simple SQL-Server stored proc - get next in sequence (T-SQL)
- No-so-simple SQL-Server stored proc - logic and computation (T-SQL)
- Some PostgreSQL Stored Procedures (PL/pgSQL)
- A complex PostgreSQL Stored Procedure (PL/pgSQL)
- PostgreSQL Stored Procedures calling other Stored Procedures (PL/pgSQL)
- Two PostgreSQL Stored Procedures and a Trigger (PL/pgSQL)
- Triggers and the Log File - code (T-SQL)
- Triggers and the Log File - output (T-SQL)
- Class D
- Eight Transaction Papers by Jim Gray - Summaries of some of the amazing work of the amazing Jim Gray
- Postgres Two-Phase Commit - more Jepsen from Kyle Kingsbury
- Locks and Multi-Version Concurrency Control from PostgreSQL Internals 2012 by Bruce Momjian
- Testing CAP Scenarios for Various Data Stores with Jepsen by Kyle Kingsbury
- PostgreSQL Locking Revealed
- A Short Primer on Causal Consistency
- PostgreSQL Inner Workings
- Scaling Postgres with Read Replicas (and Using Write-Ahead Log to Counter Stale Reads)
- Deadlock Tracing in SQL-Server
- Transactions and Locking Isolation Levels in PostgreSQL
- Class E
- Eric Brewer: The CAP Theorem, Then and Now
- On CAP, ACID, and HAT - research on Highly Available Transactions from Peter Bailis
- Beating The CAP Theorem - an anti-checklist
- Causal Consistency Research by Wyatt Lloyd
- An Illustrated Proof of the CAP Theorem
- JEPSEN - Distributed Systems Safety Analysis
- Consistency, Serializability, and Linearizability from Jepsen, about VoltDB
- Testing the "I" in ACID
- Class F -- Review for the Final Exam
SELECT course material
FROM this class
GROUP BY topic
- Background and History
- Origins of the Data Base Management System - 2006 SIGMOD paper
- Remembering Codd I: So Help Me Codd
- Remembering Codd II: A Tribute by Chris Date
- Databases - Early History by Robert X. Cringley
- Databases - Recent History by Robert X. Cringley
- Databases - Big Data by Robert X. Cringley
- Relational Database Genealogy from
- History: The Gamma Database Machine
- History: IBM Relational Database Code Bases
- Distinguished Profiles in Databases presents Michael Stonebraker
- A one size fits all database doesn't fit anyone
- WIRED: Data Deluge
- How Relational Databases Work from
- Chapter 4 of Architecture of a Database System by Joseph M. Hellerstein, Michael Stonebraker, and James Hamilton
- A Brief History of SQL
- Can we do better than SQL? I'm not yet convinced.
- Nulls, Three-Valued Logic, and Ambiguity in SQL: Critiquing Date’s Critique by Claude Rubinson
- 50 Years of SQL My Codd! An interview with Donald Chamberlin and Michael Stonebraker
- Truth Tables for Three-valued Logic
- Alan's Stack Overflow discussion on NULLs and UNIQUE
- What's the deal with NULLs? It's worth looking at again.
- NULLs examples
- SQL: Joins
- Venn Diagrams DO NOT explain Joins So just STOP IT!
- Join Forms from PostgreSQL Internals 2012 by Bruce Momjian
- Understanding Hash Joins in Ms-SQL Server
- SQL: Misc. Examples
- Create Table example in Oracle
- Set Operations in SQL
- SQL Server Check Constraints
- SQL Server Check Constraints Case Sensitivity or lack thereof
- Students, Teachers, Subjects, Grades example
- People, Departments, Fiscal Years example
- Count Distinct with Subqueries
- Oracle Database Examples - a variety of examples demonstrating how to use Oracle
- SqlPad- Run SQL in your browser
- Views
- View examples in CAP2(an old version of the CAP database)
- View examples in Oracle
- View examples in Ms-SQL Server
- View Query Processing - query rewriting from Tom Lane's PostgreSQL Internals
- Indexes
- PostgreSQL B-tree Index Scan from PostgreSQL Internals 2012
- PostgreSQL Index Page Structure from PostgreSQL Internals 2012
- Why databases use ordered indexes but programming uses hash tables
- Modern B-Tree Techniques
- PostgreSQL B-tree Indexes
- E/R Diagrams
- E/R Diagram Example #1 - I like this format a lot.
- E/R Diagram Example #2 - I like this format a little.
- E/R Diagram Example #3 - This is a popular format I do not like at all.
- Database Design
- An excellent case for artificial keys
- A 3NF Database with Transitive Dependencies or, How I learned to stop denormalizing and love BCNF
- Database Design Points to Ponder
- Decomposition to 3NF from my old HRPC project
- Lossless Join Example
- Referential Integrity: With and Without
- Authorization, and Security
- Access Control with GRANT and REVOKE
- PostgreSQL documentation for GRANT
- PostgreSQL Security from IBM developerWorks
- Securing PostgreSQL from External Attack - by Bruce Momjian
- SQL Injection Security Threats from the Open Web Application Security Project
- More about SQL Injection from Troy Hunt
- Administration
- PostgreSQL Database Administration book - Free!
- Mastering PostgreSQL Administration - by Bruce Momjian
- Don't Do These Things in PostgreSQL
- Monitoring PostgreSQL
- A curated list of awesome PostgreSQL software, libraries, tools and resources
- Troubleshooting SQL Server: A Guide for Accidental DBAs
- SQL Server Best Practices - Part I: Configuration
- SQL Server Best Practices Part II: Virtualized Environments
- Big Data Governance
- New Jersey Nearly Sold Secret Data
- OpenRefine - a tool for dealing with messy data
- SQL Tricks of an Application DBA by Haki Benita
- A good article on sharding from Stack Overflow
- Stored Procedures and Triggers
- CAP2 city customers example - customers in a city (T-SQL)
- CAP2 city customers code - customers in a city (T-SQL)
- CAP2 city customers code - customers in a city (PL/pgSQL)
- Simple SQL-Server stored proc - get next in sequence (T-SQL)
- No-so-simple SQL-Server stored proc - logic and computation (T-SQL)
- Some PostgreSQL Stored Procedures (PL/pgSQL)
- A complex PostgreSQL Stored Procedure (PL/pgSQL)
- PostgreSQL Stored Procedures calling other Stored Procedures (PL/pgSQL)
- Two PostgreSQL Stored Procedures and a Trigger (PL/pgSQL)
- Triggers and the Log File - code (T-SQL)
- Triggers and the Log File - output (T-SQL)
- Query Processing
- The PostgreSQL Query Optimizer by Bruce Momjian
- Reading a Postgres Explain-Analyze Query Plan
- A PostgreSQL Query Plan Visualizer
- PostgreSQL's explain analyze made readable
- The Unofficial MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide
- The SQLite Query Planner
- Text Search
- Article about PostgreSQL full-text search
- PostgreSQL Full Text Search Documentation
- Time Series Data
- Timescale - a time-series database built on PostgreSQL
- Natural Language to SQL (NL2SQL)
- Natural Language to SQL: Where are we today?
- TypeSQL: Knowledge-based Type-Aware Neural Text-to-SQL Generation
- Relation-aware Schema Encoding for NL2SQL
- Relation-aware Parsing for NL2SQL
- WikiSQL
- CAP: Consistent, Available, and Partitioned
- Eric Brewer: The CAP Theorem, Then and Now
- On CAP, ACID, and HAT - research on Highly Available Transactions from Peter Bailis
- Beating The CAP Theorem - an anti-checklist
- Causal Consistency Research by Wyatt Lloyd
- An Illustrated Proof of the CAP Theorem
- JEPSEN - Distributed Systems Safety Analysis
- Consistency, Deadlock, and ACID
- Eight Transaction Papers by Jim Gray - Summaries of some of the amazing work of the amazing Jim Gray
- Postgres Two-Phase Commit - more Jepsen from Kyle Kingsbury
- Locks and Multi-Version Concurrency Control from PostgreSQL Internals 2012 by Bruce Momjian
- Testing CAP Scenarios for Various Data Stores with Jepsen by Kyle Kingsbury
- Consistency, Serializability, and Linearizability from Jepsen, about VoltDB
- Testing the "I" in ACID
- PostgreSQL Locking Revealed
- A Short Primer on Causal Consistency
- PostgreSQL Inner Workings
- Scaling Postgres with Read Replicas (and Using Write-Ahead Log to Counter Stale Reads)
- Deadlock Tracing in SQL-Server
- Transactions and Locking Isolation Levels in PostgreSQL
- CALM - Consistency As Logical Monotonicity
- Keeping CALM: When Distributed Consistency Is Easy
- SQL Implementations
- SQL Implementation Comparisons
- Why Postgres part 1 and Why Postgres part 2
- PostgreSQL Internals from Bruce Momjian
- PostgreSQL Internals from Hironobu Suzuki
- PostgreSQL Physical Storage Details here and here.
- What PostgreSQL has over other open source SQL databases part one and part two
- PostgreSQL System Catalogs
- PostgreSQL Observability - statistics and data about internal states
- NoSQL data holes and the garbage that is MongoDB and MySQL
- MySQL is still garbage 2021
- Another area where MongoDB is terrible 2021
- MongoDB - STILL broken by design 2015
- MongoDB - broken by design 2013
- MongoDB - for when your data is worthless 2013
- Why You Should Never Use MongoDB unless your data is meaningless. 2013
- MongoDB - Marketing, Lies, and more lies 2013
- Dubious MongoDB 2013
- NoSQL Design(?) tips 2012
- Stonebraker on NoSQL and enterprises 2011
- SQL databases v. NoSQL databases 2010
- MongoDB -now powered by PostgreSQL
- MySQL is not ACID compliant
- MongoDB is web scale
- Did you make the right database choice?
- Uber and Postgres - An Interesting discussion
- Other
- Graph vs Relational - from The Register
- MapReduce and parallel DBMSs: friends or foes? 2010
- The Relational Model is Dead Or is it?
- SQL Server 2014's in-memory transaction engine
- SQL Server High-performance Inserts
- Famous (and old) Funny: If Architects Had to Work Like Systems Designers
- alanBASE ][
- Seven Databases Song
Database Haiku
- These are from Hugh Scott at SQL Server Central
Server is lifeless
The customer is distraught
Where is the backup? -
Performance is slow
All the disk drives are busy
Where was the where clause? -
The server is built
Everything is now installed
What was the password?
Server is lifeless
- These are from former students. Got one?
I did the homework
As difficult as it was
Do I get an A?
I did the homework

I reserve the copyright for all parts of my courses.
Commercial reproduction of any course material, including lecture notes
taken by students, without my EXPRESS WRITTEN consent, is prohibited.