Theory of Programming Languages
Spring 2025

- Syllabus and Schedule - revised January 25, 2025
- History and Advice
- About Laptops and Phones in Class
- Course Policies
- General Academic Calendar
- Academic Honesty
- School of Computer Science and Mathematics Department of Computing Technology Goals
- Writing Center
- Counseling Services
- Title IX at Marist
- Title IX Student Bill of Rights and IX Reporting Options
- Academic Learning Center for tutoring and more
- Be scholarly and write your labs with LaTeX. Overleaf is probably the easiest way to do this. I have developed a template you can use. There are more LaTeX resources below.
- Programming In The Past
- Fun with Lambda Calculus
- Functional Programming
- Language Design Project - See the Hall of Fame for inspiration. Here's an Ms-Word version. ETH's Oberon 2019 Language Report is an excellent example to follow. Finally, here's a fun video about how NOT to design a language.
- Programming Tools
- OnlineGDB - A multi-language online IDE
- ideone - Another multi-language online IDE
- Code Pad - Yet another multi-language online IDE
- JDoodle - Still another multi-language online IDE
- OverAPI - Programming Language Reference Cards and Cheat Sheets
- Programming Language Database - a rich resource. Dig in!
- LaTeX
- Comprehensive TEX Archive Network
- Overleaf (formerly ShareLaTeX)
- LaTeX Tutorial from Overleaf
- TeX Stack Exchange
- TikZ package tutorial (for drawing DFAs and NFAs)
- Lambda Calculus
- The Lambda Calculus from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Lambda Calculi - from the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- λ-Calculus: Then and Now by Dana S. Scott
- Lambda Calculus for Dummies
- Lambda Lessons Interactive Fun
- Combinatris - Like Tetris, but with Lambda Calculus Combinators Awesome! (Watch out for YY)
- Lambda Calculus: What? How? ...Why? from Yana the Contrarian
- Whiteboard problems in pure Lambda Calculus
- Lambda Calculus, Scheme, and more
- Lists out of Lambda LISP-like functional programming in JavaScript
- Lambda Alligators
- Blog post about Lambda Calculus - pretty good
- The Y Combinator (Slight Return)
- History of Lambda-calculus and Combinatory Logic
- Combinatory Logic from The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Lambda Screen As Alan says, from factorial to Fortnite, all computing is Lambda Calculus
- Git
- GitHub Desktop
- A Gentle Introduction to Git and GitHub from Alan
- Git from the Bottom up by John Wiegley
- Git Basics
- Try Github
- GitHub Guides
- Advanced: Git From the Inside Out
- Visualizing Git Concepts
- How to Write a Git Commit Message - pretty good advice
- The Issues Feature on GitHub
- Dangers of GitHub and Amazon
![Niklaus Wirth (left), Edsger Dijkstra (center), and Tony Hoare (right) in 1999. [Niklaus Wirth Collection]](/images/Wirth-Dijkstra-Hoare-1999.png)
- Chapter One
- Chapter Two
- Chapters Three and Four
- Lambda Calculus
- Scope and Type
- Chapter Five
- Chapter Six - Data Types
- Chapter Nine and a little bit of Chapter 10
- Chapter Thirteen
- Chapter Fifteen
- Chapter Sixteen
- Fortran
- Fortran PLDB Entry
- Software Preservation Group: Fortran
- G95 Fortran
- SilverFrost Fortran
- GNU Fortran
- Tiny GNU Fortran code example
- Photran - a Fortran IDE (Seriously!.. It's Eclipse-based, so think twice.)
- Microsoft Manuals - Fortran
- John Backus interviewed by Grady Booch
- The Fortran I Compiler PDF
- Five Reasons Why Fortran is Still Used
- COBOL (not Kobol)
- 16-bit COBOLv3 (download link)
- IBM System/360 COBOL manuals
- Microsoft Manuals - COBOL
- COBOL's Youth Culture (!)
- Learning COBOL - A Journey for the Modern Programmer
- History of BASIC
- Fifty Years of BASIC - from TIME
- Microsoft Manuals - BASIC
- Free BASIC
- Chipmunk BASIC
- VICE: the Versatile Commodore Emulator - Emulate a PET and write BASIC
- WWW BASIC - Embed BASIC in your web pages
- QB64
- Pascal, Modula, Oberon
- Pascal PLDB Entry
- 50 Years of Pascal by Niklaus Wirth
- Wirth's original Pascal paper
- History of Pascal
- 1985 Interview with Niklaus Wirth and Don Knuth
- The School of Wirth
- Free Pascal
- Lazarus - a Delphi compatible cross-platform IDE for Free Pascal
- GNU Pascal
- Software Preservation Group: ALGOL (a parent of Pascal)
- Modula-2 and Oberon (descendants of Pascal)
- ONBC - an Oberon compiler
- Apple's Lisa Source Code - Understanding Clascal
- A Road to Common LISP
- Play with LISP in a browser (Limited LISP) (code)
- Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL)
- Clozure Common Lisp (CCL)
- The History of LISP by John McCarthy - as a transcript and as a paper
- The Evolution of LISP
- The History of Franz and Lisp
- Lisp as the Maxwell’s equations of software
- A Road to Common Lisp - Learning LISP
- Software Preservation Group: LISP and Early LISPs
- A List of LISPs
- Ufasoft LISP Studio - a Common LISP IDE
- newLISP- a newer dialect of Lisp
- Arc - a recent-ish dialect of Lisp with documentation and examples
- CLiki - a Common LISP Wiki
- Common LISP Cookbook
- LISP in 200 lines of C
- xkcd LISP joke referencing 2001: A Space Odyssey
- xkcd LISP joke referencing Star Wars
- How Lisp Became God's Own Programming Language
- A brief interview with Common Lisp creator Dr. Scott Fahlman
- John McCarthy's Miscellaneous Numerical Facts for use in LISP programs
- LISP and Prolog
- LISP, Logic Programming, and Prolog
- Prolog
- Prolog PLDB Entry
- SWI Prolog
- SWISH - SWI Prolog in a browser (code)
- GNU Prolog
- XGP - A GNU Prolog Mac OS X IDE
- Logic Programming with Prolog
- The Power of Prolog - Contains great examples
- Prolog Under the Hood
- Why Learn Prolog today?
- Turbo Prolog Manual from 1983 - Nostalgic!
- The Birth of Prolog
- A 50th Anniversary Prolog Documentary It's in French but there are English subtitles.
- Prolog-like ML
- Mercury
- ML
- ML PLDB Entry
- Standard ML of New Jersey from Bell Labs
- zip: ML Code Examples from Alan
- ML cheatsheet from Cornell
- ML tutorial from Princeton
- SML Help
- SML Family - Docs and history
- Early Evolution of ML
- The History of Standard ML
- Cake ML - a functional programming language with a proven-correct compiler and runtime system
- Millet - A Visual Studio Code language server extension
- ML-flavoured Erlang
- Alpaca - Yes, it's really called Alpaca.
- ML-flavored TypeScript
- Bosque
- Prolog, Erlang, Elixir
- ... a side-by-side reference sheet
- Erlang
- Erlang PLDB Entry
- History of Erlang
- All About Erlang
- Joe Armstrong's blog
- The Zen of Erlang by Fred Hebert
- Learn You Some Erlang for Great Good! by Fred Hebert
- A Big List of Erlang Resources
- Haskell
- Haskell PLDB Entry
- Try Haskell in a browser
- Functional Programming in Verse - From Simon Peyton Jones and others
- F#
- F# PLDB Entry
- F# from Microsoft Research
- F# Software Foundation
- The Early History of F# by designer Don Syme
- F# IDE
- APL PLDB Entry
- Software Preservation Group: APL
- Fear and Loathing in APL
- APL Overview and History by A Kaleberg
- Try APL online
- A Personal History of APL by Michael S. Montalbano
- A History of APL in 50 Functions by Roger K.W. Hui
- Smalltalk
- Smalltalk PLDB Entry
- Smalltalk History at CHM
- Smalltalk's Influence on Modern Programming - by Matt Savona, 2008
- Design Principles Behind Smalltalk
- Simula
- Simula PLDB Entry
- Simula - paper by Joe Casey, 2008
- Simula - presentation by Joe Casey, 2008
- C
- C PLDB Entry
- History of C PDF or HTML
- Origins of C from Ars Techhnica
- A Short History of Objective C from the Computer History Museum
- C++
- C++ PLDB Entry
- CLion
- Qt
- g++ cheatsheet from USC
- makefile cheatsheet from USC
- Boost Libraries
- Abseil - C++ docs and libraries from Google
- Super helpful resource on Templates in C++
- Ada
- Ada PLDB Entry
- Ada: a C Developer's Perspective
- Ada for the C++ or Java Developer
- What's new in Ada 2022

- Thoughts and Quotes about Various Programming Languages
- A mostly wrong (un)history of Programming Languages
- Interview with Dana Scott (2022) - His life is a tour through the topics of our class.
- The Evolution Of Programming Languages
- If PHP were British
- Interview with James Gosling (2021) - creator of Java
- Edsger W. Dijkstra - A Commemoration (2021)
- Dijkstra on Recursive Programming from 1960
- A walk through building an interpreter
- F* Verification Language
- Z3 Theorem Prover from Microsoft Research
- Using the Z3 Theorem Prover to verify firewall configurations
- On the Expressive Power of Programming Languages - Here's Matthias Felleisen's paper.
- Critiquing SQL by Elvis Pranskevichus
- Nulls, Three-Valued Logic, and Ambiguity in SQL: Critiquing Date’s Critique by Claude Rubinson
- A Large-Scale Study of Programming Languages and Code Quality see also PDF
- 10 Most(ly dead) Influential Programming Languages by Hillel Wayne
- John Carmack on Static Code Analysis
- GUI Gallery
- Compiler Explorer from Matt Godbolt
- Formal Verification: The Gap Between Perfect Code and Reality
- So You Want to Write a Type Checker
- From FORTRAN to Swift The world's most important programming languages according to
- Thoughts about Type Safety from the Programming Language Enthusiast blog
- Type Inference tricks
- Ada, C, C++, and Java vs. The Steelman
- Boeing Flies on Ada
- Subtle Bugs - Sometimes correctness proofs are not enough.
- PHP: A Fractal of Bad Design - Required Reading
- PHP quirks and flat-out stupidity - Read at risk of your sanity
- Attempting high quality PHP - You've got to admire the attempt.
- C# 7.0 Design Notes
- C# 5.0 Language Spec from Microsoft
- What are Fortran and COBOL used for today? - closed on Stackoverflow
- A-to-Z of Programming Languages
- The Go Language Spec from Google
- Computer History Timeline
- Programming Language Influence Graphs
- OMeta attribute grammar example
- Microsoft's Parallel Computing Developer Center
- Why C++ is not "back"
- Why We Need New Languages
- Parallel computing support in the next version of Visual Studio
- Erlang for Concurrent Programming
- Real-world Concurrency
- Examples of Many Languages
- Advanced Topics in Programming Languages
- COBOL Turns 50 Years Old
- Dynamic Programming Futures
- Graph of Programming Languages connected by Compilers
Software Engineering Radio
The podcast for professional developers
I really like these folks. Highly recommended. Here are a few episodes to get you started:- Bruce Momjian on the Postgres Query Planner
- Eric Brewer: The CAP Theorem, Then and Now
- Michael Stonebraker on database systems today
- Graph Databases
- Moshe Vardi on P versus NP
- Dynamic Languages for Static Minds
- Type Systems
- Monica Beckwith on Java Garbage Collection
- Introduction to Aspect-oriented Programming (AOP)
- Aspect-oriented Programming with Aspect J and Spring AOP
- Leslie Lamport on Distributed Systems
- Kyle Kingsbury on Consensus in Distributed Systems
- Concurrency Part One
- Concurrency Part Two
- Concurrency Part Three
- More about Concurrency
- Dick Gabriel on the origins of LISP
- Phillip Carter on F#
- Joe Armstrong on Erlang
- Martin Odersky on Scala
- Martin Ordersky on Scala Update
- Simon Peyton Jones on Functional Programming and Haskell
- Interview with Anders Hejlsberg - Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#
- Morgan Wilde on LLVM
- The Singularity Research OS
- Garbage Collection and Transactional Memory
Other Items of Interest
- Here's a fun video about how NOT to design a language.
- Examples of Programs in Many Languages
- Microsoft .NET CLR -- Shared Source Common Language Infrastructure
- Historical Encyclopedia of Programming Languages
- Y Not - Adventures in Functional Programming - Explore the Y-Combinator
- Tutorials in Functional Programming
- From 1959: Theory of Programming for the SAGE AN/FSQ-7 from BitSavers' Software Archive
- An Actual Turing Machine (kinda)
- Programmers' Last Words
- Write in C (Apologies to John, Paul, George, and Ringo.)
- C Recursion - by Kernighan, Ritchie, and Lovecraft
- Comments on Comments
- Computational Complexity: A Modern Approach a free (draft) textbook from by Sanjeev Arora and Boaz Barak
Final Project Hall of Fame
- Bruciato - by Sorin Macaluso, 2024
- liteRoast - by Andrew Hatch, 2024
- Lambda+ - by Nick Fiore, 2023
- Classic Rock Script - by Marcus DiMarco, 2023
- Qsort - by Alex Lizzo, 2023
- PastPHP - by Caleb Rogers, 2022
- Cappy - by Calista Phippen, 2022
- Geova - by Anthony Sasso, 2022
- Pipes - by Kyle DePace, 2022
- SpellVoid - by Antonio Lopez, 2022
- Hogwarts - by Roxanne Lai, 2021
- Actual Hell - by Marinel Tinnirello, 2021
- Allium - by Dan Yost, 2021
- Concerto - by Shannon Brady, 2021
- Scaling - by Oliver Fountain, 2019
- Wheatley - by Michael Durso, 2019
- SANTA - by Jenna Ficula, 2018
- SOAPScript - by Bob Nisco, 2013
- ˆ (caret) - by Brian Gormanly, 2013
- COBOL 13 - by Bryan Silvia, 2013
- IOE - In One Ear - by Scott Arcuri, 2013
- HAL - by Caitlin Cellier, 2011
- not(FUN) - by Michael Cohoon, 2011
- MaRVN - by John Dunham, 2011
- JFun - by Greg Guida, 2010
- JavaSCAR - by Joey Carmello, 2010
- GLaDOS-script - by Ryan Sullivan, 2010
- Steve# - by Steven Abbagnaro, 2010
- C'thulu - by Shane Steinert, 2010
- Shingle - by Skyler Dodge, 2009
- GLaDOS - by Neal Tanner, 2009

I reserve the copyright for all parts of my courses.
Commercial reproduction of any course material, including lecture notes
taken by students, without my EXPRESS WRITTEN consent, is prohibited.